Remote version control with Git


Kyle Niemeyer

Oregon State University


January 8, 2025

Remote version control (i.e., using GitHub) and Software Licenses

Topics for today:

  • Backup up code (and any files) online
  • Cloning and forking remote repositories
  • Managing files in a collaboration
  • Merging simultaneous changes
  • Downloading open source code


GitHub logo Launchpad logo SourceForge logo GitLab logo

We’ll focus on GitHub.

Why GitHub?

  • Nice landing page—renders README automatically
  • Grabs information about LICENSE, programming language
  • Supports issue tracking and wiki
  • Network graphs, time history of commits
  • User downloads
  • Varying permissions (read, write, etc.)
  • Nice web interface to browse, view, and edit code

Workflow (with account)

  1. Create space for repo on GitHub account
  2. Point to that remote repo from local copy
  3. Push repository to the remote location
  4. Continue working!

Alternatively, if starting new project, you can:

  1. Create a new repo on account
  2. Copy (clone) empty repo to local computer
  3. Prosper!

Creating and working with repositories

Let’s work through creating a repo

GitHub screenshot

Screenshot of creating a new repo on GitHub

Screenshot of creating a new repo on GitHub with information filled

Screenshot of a new, empty repo on GitHub

Create and push new repo

Pushing to a remote repo on GitHub

Cloning a repo

Cloning a repo from GitHub


Clone: make local copy of any repository (Git)

Fork: Remote repository connected to/aware of the “upstream” repo it was cloned from (GitHub)

Forking a repo

Forking a repo on GitHub

Collaborative work using GitHub

Collaborating with forks on GitHub

Cloning a repo from GitHub

How does Fran keep local repo up to date with the original?

Do this yourself:

  1. Fork it: click “Fork” at SoftwareDevEngResearch/analysis_code
  2. Clone your fork: $ git clone[you]/analysis_code.git
  3. Create alias upstream for the remote repo:
$ git remote add upstream \
$ git remote -v

Fetching and merging remote content

  1. In your cloned local repo, fetch the upstream repo history
  2. Then merge the upstream main branch into your main branch
  3. Look at the changes!
$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/main

Update your fork

After merging upstream history, push your work to origin main:

$ git push

What if you (or someone else) made a change in your fork?

$ git pull

pull = fetch & merge for origin main

Alternatively, use GitHub

Fetch upstream on GitHub

What about conflicts?

When fetching, merging, and/or pulling remote changes, you may encounter conflicts.

To solve: just follow the directions!

(In-class example)

Best practices for collaborating

For solo projects:

  • push and pull (to/from origin
  • use branches, merge into main

For multi-person projects:

  • Fork into a personal repo
  • Use git fetch/merge to keep updated with upstream
  • Push (and pull) to/from origin (your fork on GitHub)
  • Contribute changes via pull requests on GitHub

(Some) issues that arise when using GitHub: Pull requests & licences

Pull Requests

Modern, GitHub-based version of emailing someone a patch

Pull Requests (or PRs) consist of sequences of patches, based on a history of Git commits

Example Pull Request on GitHub

Pull request example on GitHub

How to contribute a change to someone else’s repository

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Clone your fork locally
  3. Create a new branch for your changes/fix
  4. Commit and push your changes
  5. Submit a Pull Request via GitHub
$ git clone ...
$ git checkout -b newfix

$ git commit -am "fixes problem in upstream project"
$ git push origin newfix

Create Pull Request

Create a Pull Request on GitHub

Submitting Pull Requests

Try to submit shorter Pull Requests when possible, as they are easier to review and merge

If the project uses testing, make sure to add a new test (or modify an existing one) to reflect your change. More on tests later!

Long story short:

Pick a license when creating a project, and put as LICENSE.txt in your repo.