Getting Started
ENGR 570 - Software Development for Research
Overview of class and introductions
What this class is for:
- Learning computational skills to be successful in modern research
- Developing a software package from scratch for your research
What this class isn’t for:
- Learning how to program in Python
- Those who aren’t comfortable doing open-ended, self-directed work.
Nearly all research relies on software—even experimental—but researchers don’t get trained in best practices in the same way as experimental methods.
What are we going to learn about?
- Computational environment management
- Version control
- Collaborative software development
- Structuring programs
- Working with files
- Improving performance, parallelization
- Reproducible research
- Writing about software, documentation
- Sharing software openly, copyright
Anything missing?
Who are you? Quick introductions
- Majors / research areas?
- Experience level in Python / programming
- Experience level with command line
- Mac, Linux, or Windows?
Who am I?
Dr. Kyle Niemeyer, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Background: computational combustion modeling, fluid dynamics
Languages: Matlab -> Fortran -> C/C++/CUDA -> Python
Course Resources
Online resources
- Syllabus: on Canvas
- GitHub organization:
- Other resources: linked on Canvas
- Slack chat room (linked on Canvas)
Chapters 1–6 should be review
Most of your work in the class will be centered around a project developing a new software package for your research.
Assignments will focus on development stages for your software package.
First assignment: project proposal, due January 17.