A paper that isn’t accompanied by the software or data produced is just advertising. (Claerbout & Karrenbach, 1992)
People find reproducible results more trustworthy…
…and cite you more! (Piwowar & Vision, 2013)
Reduce duplicated effort and increase impact.
We've talked about:
For research, we need one more step: archival of software and/or data.
Consider: what if you cite this, then someone modifies or deletes it?
2009 survey: 91% of scientists consider software “important” or “very important” to research. (Hannay et al, 2009)
But, 40–70% of software used is not cited. (Pan et al., 2015. Howison et al., 2016)
Our research results depend on software and data— different versions of software and data changes our answers.
Without proper citations, your work is not reproducible.
Also, academia relies on citations for credit. (for better or worse)
Smith AM, Katz DS, Niemeyer KE, FORCE11 Software Citation Working Group. (2016) Software citation principles. PeerJ Computer Science 2:e86 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.86
DOI or other unique/persistent identifier
Version number/commit hash
Location (e.g., GitHub repo)
(If there’s a paper describing it, cite that too)
In the text with the references/bibliography.
“If you've already licensed your code and have good documentation then we expect that it should take less than an hour to prepare and submit your paper to JOSS.”
Lorena Barba describes “reproducibility packages” associated with papers, sharing figures under CC-BY:
“For every figure that presents some result, we bundle the files needed to reproduce it — input or configuration files used to run the simulation(s) behind the result; code to process raw data into derived data; and scripts to create output graphs — and deposit them together with the figure into an open-data repository, such as Figshare. Figshare assigns the bundle a DOI, which we then include in the figure caption so readers can easily find the data and re-create the result. Our lab uses these packages as test beds for our in-house software, to verify that the results haven’t been compromised by software modifications. And because we maintain a public history of all changes, we achieve what one of my students calls ‘unimpeachable provenance’.”